Student Government Association



Spring 2021 Elections Committee Members 21U019 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-01-18
Spring 2021 Elections Schedule 21U020 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-01-18
USGA Constitutional Amendment to the Amendment Process 21U022 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-01-06
Enactment of the Joint Governance Policy 21J092 Joint Agenda 2021-01-17
Creation of the Well-being Investigative Committeee 21U018 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-01-19
Creation of the Ethics Management Commitee 21U024 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-02-09
TEIC Resolution 21U023 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-02-01
UJC New Justice Approvals: 2020-2021 21U027 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-02-25
Support for Physical Space for Minority Greek Councils 21U029 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-02-28
Fight Song Referendum 21J129 Joint Agenda 2021-03-08
Establishing a Tributes Committee 22U025 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-11-16
Resolution of Condolences - Jakob "Jake" Martin 22U027 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-01-10
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Alumnus Andre Dickens 22J306 Joint Agenda 2022-01-26
Resolution to begin providing Notary services 22G041 Graduate Agenda 2022-02-26
Resolution on Lesser Authority of Governing Documents 22G053 Graduate Agenda 2022-03-04
Blue Donkey Tab 22U050 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-04-05
FreShGA Final Meeting Bash 22U053 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-04-12
Amend Section II in GSGA Elections Code 22G060 Graduate Agenda 2022-04-11
Concert Ticket Raffle 22U051 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-04-12
Executive Order to Enable a Temporary SAF Allocation Process 23J008 Joint Agenda 2022-06-30
| 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 |

Page 40 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 781, ending on 800