Student Government Association



***JAC*** FreShGA's The Final Stand Bill Joint Authored 2023-03-29
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Julianna Velaj Undergraduate Authored 2023-05-15
***JAC*** Ramblin' Reck Club Bookmobile Books Joint Authored 2024-08-12
FY20 JFC Policy Updates 19J326 Joint Agenda 2019-04-08
***JAC*** The Body Positive Program 20J137 Joint Agenda 2019-10-09
Bylaws amendments on the topics of ULR & Elections 20U026 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-28
Introduction of the RUALS Policy 20U038 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-01-13
Appointment of Undergraduate Chief Justice - Amanda Healy 20U049 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-01-14
Get WasteLess 2020-ULR 20U065 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-03-05
Get WasteLess 2020-GLR 20G017 Graduate Agenda 2020-03-05
Resolution on allowing Pass/Fail grading for Spring 2020 20U072 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-03-31
JFC Policy Change - End of FY2020 20J360 Joint Agenda 2020-04-06
Constitutional Changes on the Topics of UHR Rep elections 20U074 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
Changes to Article 3, Section 4 of the bylaws 20U075 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
Resolution to increase voter turnout 20U076 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
Constitutional Changes to Impeachment 20U077 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-08
Spring 2021 VPCS Appointment 21U016 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-11-16
Tailwind Application UI 21J088 Joint Agenda 2021-01-06
Appointment of UJC Chief Justice - Anne Hardin 21U028 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-02
Annual Executive Branch Bylaws Amendment 21U035 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-22
| 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 |

Page 37 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 721, ending on 740