Student Government Association



Table Cloths for SGA Meeting 24U030 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-07
Freshman Representatives Meet the Reps. Event 24U040 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-09
Freshman Representatives Meet the Reps. Event 24U057 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-30
MHJAC Extension Resolution 24J009 Joint Awaiting Author 2024-02-05
SGA x STAR Services Emergency Resource Guide 24U053 Undergraduate Passed 2024-02-12
Resolution on the proper usage of SGA, USGA, and GSGA brands 24G024 Graduate Passed 2024-02-29
Capitol Trip Bus Bill Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2024-03-04
CDAC Spring Diversity Conference 24U065 Undergraduate Passed 2024-03-26
MHJAC Extension and Policy Updates 24J021 Joint Passed 2024-04-01
***JAC*** Ramblin' Reck Club Bookmobile Books Joint Authored 2024-08-12
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Andrew Berry 25U003 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-08-21
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Jeremy Leurart 25U002 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-08-21
Fall 2024 Cabinet Appointments 25U007 Undergraduate Passed 2024-08-26
Sickle Cell Blood Drive (CDACxNAACP) Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2024-09-03
Meet the Junior Representatives 25U020 Undergraduate Passed 2024-09-30
***JAC***Seek Discomfort Fireside Hot Seat Event Joint Awaiting Author 2024-10-02
Representative Transfer Amendment 25U022 Undergraduate Passed 2024-10-07
***JAC*** Sip n' Craft by Madhatter Knits @ GT Joint Awaiting Author 2024-10-16
Meet the Freshman Representatives at Tech Green! 25U036 Undergraduate Passed 2024-10-27
SGA Conference Funding Reforms 25J011 Joint Passed 2024-11-01
| 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 |

Page 40 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 781, ending on 800