Student Government Association



Undergraduate Judicial Council Justice Approval 17U027 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-03-05
Undergraduate Judicial Council Justice Approval 17U026 Undergraduate Passed 2017-03-05
Undergraduate Judiciary Cabinet Meeting Refreshments 22U024 Undergraduate Passed
Undergraduate Representative Expectations 16U011 Undergraduate Passed 2015-10-15
Undergraduate SGA Legislative Bylaws Amendment 13U004 Undergraduate Passed 2012-08-26
Undergraduate SGA Table 21U017 Undergraduate Passed 2020-11-16
Undergraduate SGA Yearbook Feature '12-'13 13U016 Undergraduate Passed 2012-10-22
Undergraduate Student Council Committee Chairs 12U002 Undergraduate Passed 2011-08-26
Undergraduate Student Government Bylaws Amendment 23U024 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-01
Updated Elections Code 15U024 Undergraduate Passed 2015-02-01
Updates to Joint Finance Committee (JFC) Policy 16J040 Joint Passed 2015-09-14
Updates to Joint Finance Committee (JFC) Policy - FY17 17J056C Joint Passed 2016-10-02
USGA Bylaws Update 16U033 Undergraduate Passed 2016-04-03
USGA Bylaws Update 17U021 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-06
USGA Constitutional Amendment to the Amendment Process Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2021-01-05
USGA Constitutional Amendment to the Amendment Process 21U022 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-01-06
USGA Spread in the Blueprint 17U022 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-26
Varsity at the Varsity 17U032 Undergraduate Passed 2017-03-09
VITA IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Graduate Authored 2023-02-26
Volunteer Showcase: SGA Community Relations and MOVE 20G016 Graduate Agenda 2020-02-17
| 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 |

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