Student Government Association



Resolution to Reassign Invention Studio to Tier II 17J108 Joint Passed 2016-11-21
Resolution to Recommend FY18 SAF Fee Breakdown 17J107 Joint Passed 2016-11-21
Resolution on the International Student Crisis Joint Created
GT Night at the Fox 18J175 Joint Tabled 2018-01-28
Line Change Request Approval - FY20 Budget: Tier II Joint Tabled 2019-08-29
Encumbrance of Funds from Bill 20J019 20J036 Joint Passed 2019-08-30
Appointment of Joint Executive Members 16J007 Joint Passed 2015-08-22
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Adam Sattler 17J109 Joint Passed 2016-11-22
***JAC BILL*** ELL Specialist for CommLab 19J273 Joint Passed 2019-01-30
Creation of Career Advancement JAC 22J461 Joint Passed 2022-03-28
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Sean F. Kuehl 14J003 Joint Passed 2013-08-25
Resolution Reaffirming the Good Word 17J099 Joint Passed 2016-11-22
Joint Allocation for SGA Office Computer 14J004 Joint Passed 2013-08-25
Joint Allocation for IT Specialist Stipends 14J005 Joint Passed 2013-08-25
Resolution on Free Form CIOS Comments to Deans/School Chairs 17J113 Joint Passed 2016-11-28
Joint Allocation to JacketPages Student Assistant 12J013 Joint Passed 2011-09-06
Resolution to Release CIOS Metrics to the Student Body 17J112 Joint Passed 2016-11-28
Joint Allocation to Undergraduate Conference Fund 14J006 Joint Passed 2013-08-25
Mental Health JAC updates 18J185 Joint Tabled 2018-02-02
Joint Allocation to the Ferst Center 14J007 Joint Passed 2013-08-25
| 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |

Page 25 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 481, ending on 500