Student Government Association



SGA Blueprint Ad 14U019 Undergraduate Passed 2013-11-07
Fall 2022 Elections Schedule 23U002 Undergraduate Passed 2022-08-23
SGA/RHA Football Game - Medical Attendant 15U032 Undergraduate Passed 2015-03-28
2019 Executive Cabinet Appointments 20U002 Undergraduate Passed 2019-04-16
SGA Softball Tournament 17U007 Undergraduate Passed 2016-10-13
Resolution on Single Transferable Voting for UHR Reps 19U057 Undergraduate Passed 2019-04-16
Appointment of Undergraduate Representative 14U020 Undergraduate Passed 2013-11-11
Tech Treasure 15U031 Undergraduate Passed 2015-03-30
UHR Name Tags 16U019 Undergraduate Passed 2016-01-22
Get WasteLess 2020-ULR 20U065 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-03-05
Page in the Yearbook 12U018 Undergraduate Passed 2012-01-24
Allocation for a Display Board 14U021 Undergraduate Passed 2013-11-11
UJC New Justice Approvals: 2020-2021 21U027 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-02-25
UHR Legislative Tools 19U003 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-28
Resolution on Sentiments on Methods Used by Protestors 20U031 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-11-05
Appointment of UJC Chief Justice - Anne Hardin 21U028 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-02
CDAC Spring Diversity Conference Undergraduate Created
Bylaws Update Fall 2018 19U004 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-28
I <3 GT Week (Reimbursement) Undergraduate Authored 2019-04-23
CDAC Spring Diversity Conference Undergraduate Created
| 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |

Page 21 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 401, ending on 420