Student Government Association



GT FLOcial at Tech Rec 18J147 Undergraduate Passed 2018-01-05
Appointment of Undergraduate Cabinet 19U005 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-28
Botanical Gardens Charter Bus 23U066 Undergraduate Passed 2023-04-11
CDAC Spring Diversity Conference 24U065 Undergraduate Passed 2024-03-26
Representative Appointments 13U010 Undergraduate Tabled 2012-09-29
The Sunday Supper: SGA's MLK Student Initiative 14U021 Undergraduate Passed 2013-11-16
Anti-Stress Tabling Event 23U067 Undergraduate Passed 2023-04-11
Georgia Tech Day at the Capitol 14U022 Undergraduate Passed 2013-11-17
I <3 GT Week 2020 20U067 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-03-07
Arts Festival 20U068 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-03-08
Support for Physical Space for Minority Greek Councils 21U029 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-02-28
Joint Res. on SGA Presidents and Legislatures 13J060 Joint Passed 2012-10-02
Funding for Campus MovieFest 2013 Conference 13J205 Joint Passed 2013-03-29
Resolution Recognizing Dr. Carole Moore 14J100 Joint Passed 2013-11-19
***JAC REQUEST*** GTCC Weighted Blanket Project Joint Awaiting Author 2018-08-30
Joint Appointment of Joint Finance Committee Chair 12J001 Joint Passed 2011-08-26
2022 Executive Cabinet Appointments Joint Created
MHJAC Extension and Policy Updates 24J021 Joint Passed 2024-04-01
Joint Appointment of Vice President of Campus Org. 12J002 Joint Passed 2011-08-26
Add SGA Stipended Positions to JFC Policy 15J037 Joint Passed 2014-09-15
| 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |

Page 22 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 421, ending on 440