Student Government Association



Resolution Supporting Under The Couch 19J062 Joint Passed 2018-09-22
Mars City Design Awards and Ceremony 19J121 Joint Tabled 2018-09-26
Resolution on Budget Submissions 19J097 Joint Passed 2018-10-16
Resolution on Background Check Subsidies II 19J098 Joint Passed 2018-10-16
Raising the JFC Fast Track Cap 19J099 Joint Passed 2018-10-16
SGA Week Materials 19U012 Undergraduate Passed 2018-10-23
Bylaws Change 10/30/18 19U013 Undergraduate Tabled 2018-10-30
GT Hawks Night 19U014 Undergraduate Passed 2018-11-11
SOFO Accountant III Salary and Pay Raises 19J148 Joint Passed 2018-11-12
Composting Resolution 19U021 Undergraduate Tabled 2018-12-07
Bus Finding for Research Institute Day at the Capitol 2019 19U023 Undergraduate Passed 2018-12-15
***JAC BILL*** ELL Specialist for CommLab 19J273 Joint Passed 2019-01-30
Revised Memorandum of Understanding Regarding JAC 19J221 Joint Passed 2019-02-05
***JAC REQUEST*** SWARM Spoon Week & Sculpture Joint Awaiting Author 2019-02-19
Resolution on FASET Student Org Fair Registration Subsidies 19J262 Joint Passed 2019-02-24
***JAC*** AMSA Spring Health Fair Joint Awaiting Author 2019-02-25
Bylaws Schedule 19U039 Undergraduate Passed 2019-02-26
Elections Schedule 19U041 Undergraduate Passed 2019-02-26
Amending USGA Constitution 19U042 Undergraduate Tabled 2019-02-26
Bylaws Changes 2019 Undergraduate Authored 2019-02-26
| 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |

Page 25 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 481, ending on 500