Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Resolution on Executive Speaking Procedure 18G004 Graduate Passed 2017-10-02
Resolution on Establishing Grad SGA Ad-Hoc Action Teams 18G005 Graduate Passed 2017-10-03
Appointment of at-large senators 18G006 Graduate Passed 2017-10-31
Graduate SGA Appointment to Mental Health Joint Allocation C 18G008 Graduate Passed 2017-11-07
GSS Appointment to Mental Health Joint Allocation Committee 18G009 Graduate Passed 2017-11-07
Resolution for Maintaining US Code 117(d)(5) - [Tax Waivers] 18G010 Graduate Passed 2017-11-14
Graduate Executive Cabinet Appointments 18G001 Graduate Awaiting Author 2017-11-28
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Dongha "Tony" Kang 18J157 Joint Passed 2018-01-16
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Taylor Garmon 18J158 Joint Passed 2018-01-16
Graduate Student Senate Social 18G012 Graduate Passed 2018-01-23
Appointment of Graduate Justices 18G013 Graduate Passed 2018-01-23
Graduate Judiciary Constitution Update 18G015 Graduate Passed 2018-01-29
Joint Resolution Recognizing Support for Student Interests 18J176 Joint Tabled 2018-01-30
Graduate Student Senate Social 18G016 Graduate Passed 2018-01-30
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Connor Shiver 18J177 Joint Passed 2018-01-30
Graduate Student Senate Social 18G017 Graduate Tabled 2018-02-06
SGA Weekly Donut and Coffee Social 18G018 Graduate Passed 2018-02-22
Resolution Supporting the Minimester Initiative 18G019 Graduate Passed 2018-02-27
Graduate Chief Justice Stipend 18G020 Graduate Passed 2018-03-13
GSS Budget Session 18G021 Graduate Tabled 2018-04-03
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Page 7 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 121, ending on 140