Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Graduate SGA Banquet 19G020 Graduate Awaiting Author 2019-09-17
A Resolution Expressing Condolences: James Strock 20J086 Joint Passed 2019-09-23
Resolution on Graduate Appointments on JAC 20G007 Graduate Agenda 2019-09-30
GSS Weekly Snacks & Refreshments Social 20G006 Graduate Agenda 2019-09-30
Appointment of Graduate Justices 20G022 Graduate Passed 2019-09-30
Appointment of Graduate Chief Justice Graduate Authored 2019-09-30
***JAC REQUEST*** BME International Students Orientation Joint Authored 2019-10-08
Amendment to Graduate SGA Bylaws 20G008 Graduate Agenda 2019-10-19
Resolution regarding the mandatory fees for grad students 20G009 Graduate Agenda 2019-10-22
Snuggle & Cuddle with Pets 20J154 Joint Passed 2019-10-28
Resolution expressing condolences: Dennis "Mac" Jones 20J172 Joint Passed 2019-11-05
Recognition of Senate Chair 20G001 Graduate Awaiting Author 2020-01-05
Recognition of Senate Chair 20G011 Graduate Passed 2020-01-05
Snuggle & Cuddle with Pets 20J229 Joint Passed 2020-01-12
Transfer Funds from GCF to CDF 20J218 Joint Passed 2020-01-13
Funding a federal work study position 20J237 Joint Tabled 2020-01-21
Resolution appointing at-large senators 20G012 Graduate Agenda 2020-01-27
Resolution appointing GSS coordinating officer 20G013 Graduate Agenda 2020-01-27
Resolution for Career Development Fund 20J277 Joint Agenda 2020-02-04
GSS Budget Session Food and Beverage 20G014 Graduate Awaiting Author 2020-02-18
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Page 10 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 181, ending on 200