Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



SGA Padfolio Ordering (GLR) 14G004 Graduate Conference 2013-09-17
Appointment of At-Large Senators 14G005 Graduate Passed 2013-09-23
Graduate Resolution for Practice Field Funding Graduate Tabled 2013-09-24
Appointment of At-Large Senator 14G006 Graduate Passed 2013-10-21
Senate Lunch Funding 14G007 Graduate Passed 2013-11-14
Appointment of At-Large Senator 14G009 Graduate Passed 2014-01-27
Snakz Funding 14G010 Graduate Passed 2014-02-25
Appointment of Graduate Justices 14G013 Graduate Passed 2014-03-10
GSS Luncheon 15G005 Graduate Passed 2014-11-14
Appointment of At-Large Senators (Spring 2015) 15G008 Graduate Passed 2015-01-12
GSS Bylaws Update - SOFO Representative 15G009 Graduate Passed 2015-01-26
GSS Budget Meeting Food 15G010 Graduate Tabled 2015-03-04
Resolution to adjust quorum procedures in GSS 15G011 Graduate Passed 2015-04-03
Accept GSS FY2016 Budget Version 15G012 Graduate Passed 2015-04-07
GSGA End of Year Banquet 15G012 Graduate Passed 2015-04-10
Appointment of Graduate Executive Cabinet 16G001 Graduate Passed 2015-08-17
Gradpicnic: Trash Cans and DJ 16G002 Graduate Passed 2015-08-30
Appointment of Graduate Student Senators 16G003 Graduate Passed 2015-09-01
Appointment of Graduate Student Senator 16G004 Graduate Passed 2015-09-08
Interim Honorarium and Speaker Funding Policy 16G005 Graduate Passed 2015-09-08
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Page 4 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 61, ending on 80