Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Resolution on 2020 Executive Cabinet Appointment 20G015 Graduate Agenda 2020-02-18
Retroactive funding of CDF - $200 due to resolution 20J277 20J320 Joint Agenda 2020-02-23
***JAC Bill*** Mindfulness Intervention Study 20J333 Joint Agenda 2020-02-24
GSGA Banquet- Award 20G018 Graduate Agenda 2020-04-05
Illuminate Tech- Student speaker series 20G020 Graduate Agenda 2020-04-06
GSGA Sponsor appreciation 20G019 Graduate Agenda 2020-04-06
Resolution regarding the update of GSGA constitution Graduate Authored 2020-04-21
Resolution regarding the update of GSGA bylaws Graduate Authored 2020-04-21
Procedural Motion to Create an Ad-Hoc Committee to Review th 20G021 Graduate Passed 2020-04-21
Changes to the Graduate SGA Constitution 21G001 Graduate Passed 2020-08-13
Changes to the Graduate SGA Bylaws 21G002 Graduate Passed 2020-08-13
Recognition of Executive Cabinet Appointments 21G003 Graduate Passed 2020-08-16
Recognition of Senate Chair 21G004 Graduate Passed 2020-08-16
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Chief Justice 21G005 Graduate Passed 2020-08-25
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator (Bio) 21G006 Graduate Passed 2020-08-28
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator (GMC) 21G007 Graduate Passed 2020-08-28
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator at-lar 21G008 Graduate Passed 2020-08-30
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator (SCB) 21G009 Graduate Passed 2020-08-30
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator (Che) 21G010 Graduate Passed 2020-08-31
Resolution on the Safety of Students and Workers 21J015 Joint Agenda 2020-09-08
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Page 11 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 201, ending on 220