Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Retroactive funding of CDF - $200 due to resolution 20J277 20J320 Joint Agenda 2020-02-23
***JAC Bill*** Mindfulness Intervention Study 20J333 Joint Agenda 2020-02-24
Snuggle & Cuddle with Pets 20J154 Joint Passed 2019-10-28
Creation of the Joint Historical and Archive Committee Joint Awaiting Author 2025-03-12
Students Paid from Student Fees Reform and Transparency Act Joint Created
Therapy Farm Animals on Campus 22J112 Joint Agenda 2021-09-27
Spring Picnic SGA 22J446 Joint Agenda 2022-03-09
Resolution expressing condolences: Dennis "Mac" Jones 20J172 Joint Passed 2019-11-05
CRIDC 2022 Events Bill 22J277 Joint Agenda 2022-01-20
Resolution Regarding Conference Fund maximum allocation 22J510 Joint Passed 2022-03-12
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Page 19 of 19, showing 10 records out of 370 total, starting on record 361, ending on 370