Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



RoI to Create a Human Library Event and Archive 22G015 Graduate Passed 2022-01-17
Recognition of Senate Chair 19G004 Graduate Passed 2018-08-26
Nomination of Etela Ogbeche for Scheller CoB Senator 24G028 Graduate Agenda 2024-03-25
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Biao Chang 12G009 Graduate Passed 2012-01-22
Appointment of At-large Senators 13G005 Graduate Tabled 2012-09-24
Paper for Senate Name Tags Graduate Created
Spring Graduate Welcome at Tech Rec 19G017 Graduate Passed 2019-01-07
Resolution Appointing Senator for Aerospace Engineering 19G027 Graduate Passed 2019-04-16
Finance Request - SGA Mental Health Town Hall 24G031 Graduate Passed 2024-03-25
Paper for Senate Name Tags 19G005 Graduate Passed 2018-08-26
Expressing Thanks to Picnic Volunteers 13G003 Graduate Tabled 2012-09-24
Resolution to Reappoint Charley Irons as GJC Justice 24G030 Graduate Agenda 2024-03-25
Resolution to raise the Career Development Fund Award 19G006 Graduate Passed 2018-08-27
Resolution to Appoint Charley Irons as Chief Justice of GJC 24G029 Graduate Agenda 2024-03-25
Appointment of Graduate Justices 17G002 Graduate Passed 2016-10-15
Senate Lunch Funding 14G007 Graduate Passed 2013-11-14
Funding for Senate Budget Meeting Food 13G012 Graduate Passed 2013-03-25
CRIDC 2022 Events Bill Graduate Passed 2022-02-14
Nominations for GSGA Elections Committee Graduate Created
Resolution Appointing Individuals for Open Senate Seat 19G018 Graduate Passed 2019-01-13
| 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

Page 16 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 301, ending on 320