Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Appointment of Chair to the Committee to Review Bills Graduate Passed 2022-06-19
GSGA Election Code Section VII Amendment 23G015 Graduate Passed 2023-02-02
GSGA Election Code Section VIII Amendment 23G014 Graduate Passed 2023-02-02
GSGA Election Code Preamble Amendment 23G013 Graduate Passed 2023-02-02
Resolution of Condolences - Shane Taylor 22G008 Graduate Passed 2021-11-15
GSGA Election Code Article II Amendment 23G012 Graduate Passed 2023-02-02
Establishment of the VP of Mental Health & Well-Being Graduate Created
Ratify Elections Policy 17G010 Graduate Passed 2017-02-21
Resolution of Condolences - Neil Anderson 22G007 Graduate Passed 2021-11-15
Graduate Picnic 17G001 Graduate Passed 2016-08-25
GSS Open Forum Food Request 16G007 Graduate Passed 2015-10-20
On the Celebration of EWeek 2022 at Georgia Tech 22G036 Graduate Passed 2022-02-21
GSS Budget Session 18G021 Graduate Tabled 2018-04-03
Commendation for Open Records Assistance 22G038 Graduate Passed 2022-02-22
Formalizing the Online Student Council Legislative Committee 25G020 Graduate Agenda 2025-01-23
Nomination of Christian Coletti for GSGA Chief of Staff 23G025 Graduate Passed 2022-11-18
Support for Graduate Student Parental & Medical Leave 23G005 Graduate Agenda 2022-11-18
Appointment of Senators 13G001 Graduate Tabled 2012-08-27
Appointment of Graduate Executive Cabinet 13G002 Graduate Tabled 2012-08-27
Election of the 2022-2023 Graduate Student Senate Chair 22G009 Graduate Passed 2021-11-29
| 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |

Page 12 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 221, ending on 240