Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Resolution Expressing Condolences: Tessa Powers 18J048 Joint Passed 2017-09-26
Graduate Conference Fund 12J182 Joint Passed 2012-03-12
PhD Movie 2 Screening and Interaction with Jorge Cham 16J060 Joint Passed 2015-09-24
Funding a federal work study position 20J237 Joint Tabled 2020-01-21
A Resolution Expressing Condolences: James Strock 20J086 Joint Passed 2019-09-23
Graduate SGA Fall Picnic Food 22J025 Joint Agenda 2021-07-26
Resolution in Support of Hazard Pay for Essential Workers 21J015 Joint Passed 2020-09-22
Graduate SGA Fall Picnic Food Joint Created
Resolution in Support of Fee Refunds 21J046 Joint Passed 2020-09-22
Resolution in Support of a Pass/Fail Option 21J038 Joint Passed 2020-09-22
Establishment of a Joint SAF Reform Ad Hoc Committee 24J004 Joint Passed 2023-10-12
GTHive - Improving Collaboration at Georgia Tech 16J255 Joint Failed 2016-04-12
Resolution for Career Development Fund 20J277 Joint Agenda 2020-02-04
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Ardavan "Ari" Afshar 21J063 Joint Passed 2020-10-20
***JAC REQUEST*** BME International Students Orientation Joint Authored 2019-10-08
CRIDC Catering Bill - Networking Breakfast with Employers 22J263 Joint Agenda 2021-12-08
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Durgesh Vasmatkar 18J276 Joint Passed 2018-04-17
Resolution Enabling Global Across The Board Budget Cuts 19J311 Joint Passed 2019-03-29
Resolution Regarding Graduate Conference Fund Access 17J046 Joint Passed 2016-09-26
Committee to Select JFC for 2022-2023 School Year Joint Awaiting Author 2022-08-07
| 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

Page 18 of 19, showing 20 records out of 370 total, starting on record 341, ending on 360