Student Government Association



SGA Coffee Takeovers - Facutly Student Development Committee 20U051 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-01-20
SGA Computer 12J099 Joint Passed 2011-11-29
SGA Conference Funding Reforms 25J011 Joint Passed 2024-11-01
SGA Gift to Tech 15J182 Joint Passed 2015-04-05
SGA Gift to Tech 16J236 Joint Passed 2016-03-28
SGA Graduation Stoles 22U007 Undergraduate Passed 2021-09-26
SGA High School Diversity Summit 15U035 Undergraduate Passed 2015-04-04
SGA Holiday Party Funding 13U022 Joint Passed 2012-11-18
SGA Holiday Soiree 17U013 Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2017-09-14
SGA Incentives Program 15U006 Undergraduate Passed 2014-10-05
SGA Member Investments 13U009 Undergraduate Passed 2012-09-24
SGA Off-Campus Retreat Fall 2014 15U004 Undergraduate Passed 2014-08-24
SGA Office Candy 25U043 Undergraduate Passed 2024-11-18
SGA Office Improvements 14U033 Undergraduate Passed 2014-02-25
SGA Office Update #1 - Fall 2014 15J010 Joint Passed 2014-08-24
SGA Padfolio Ordering 14J041 Joint Failed 2013-09-16
SGA Padfolio Ordering (ULR) 14U010 Undergraduate Failed 2013-09-17
SGA Presidential Search Student Forum 19U044 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-05
SGA Retreat 20U012 Undergraduate Passed 2019-09-16
SGA Retreat 2015 16U004 Undergraduate Passed 2015-08-22
| 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 |

Page 33 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 641, ending on 660