Student Government Association



New UJC Justices 15U021 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-19
Undergrad SGA Spring Banquet 12U025 Undergraduate Passed 2012-04-02
Elections Code Revision-Section IX, for SGA restructure 17U019 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-05
Resolution of Condolences – Alahna Smith 23U010 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-19
Appointment of New Representative 12U024 Undergraduate Passed 2012-04-02
Registration for FASET Tabling 16U034 Undergraduate Passed 2016-04-02
Appointment of Justices to the UJC 12U012 Undergraduate Passed 2011-10-01
Frames (in Room 117) - Presidents' Portraits 13U028 Undergraduate Passed 2013-01-21
Appointment of Elections Committee 14U037 Undergraduate Passed 2014-03-04
UHR Rep Expectations 15U019 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-20
Bylaws Amendment 15U020 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-20
GT 4 ATL: Meet the Council 14U011 Undergraduate Passed 2013-09-23
USGA Bylaws Update 16U033 Undergraduate Passed 2016-04-03
USGA Bylaws Update 17U021 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-06
Bylaws Schedule 19U039 Undergraduate Passed 2019-02-26
SGA Banquet 2016 16U032 Undergraduate Passed 2016-04-04
Elections Schedule 19U041 Undergraduate Passed 2019-02-26
JPRC Undergraduate Bylaws Review Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2020-09-29
Representative Appointment 13U027 Undergraduate Tabled 2013-01-24
Budget Conference Committee 12U026 Undergraduate Passed 2012-04-09
| 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 |

Page 30 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 581, ending on 600