Student Government Association



Midtown Fridge Grocery Infusion 23U008 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-09-12
The SGA Soiree 15U014 Undergraduate Failed 2014-11-18
FreShGA Pies for Pause Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2022-11-03
Appointment of Senior Class Representative 12U011 Undergraduate Passed 2011-09-21
UHR Member Bonding 13U023 Undergraduate Passed 2012-11-27
Collaborative Structures Roundtables 20U050 Undergraduate Passed 2020-01-15
FreShGA Final Meeting Bash 22U053 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-04-12
Resolution of Condolences - Brian To 23U009 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-13
Resolution Regarding President/VP Application Extension 18U040 Undergraduate Tabled 2018-02-23
I <3 GT Week 12U022 Undergraduate Passed 2012-03-12
Concert Ticket Raffle 22U051 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-04-12
GT Hawks Night 24U004 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-09-20
Stickers for Voter Registration Tabling 22U054 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-04-12
SGA Banquet - Misc Supplies 22U057 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-04-12
SGA Week Funding Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2022-11-06
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Purple Ribbons 24U018 Undergraduate Passed 2023-09-25
SGA Week Funding Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2022-11-06
Resolution to Re-encumber Funds 15U015 Undergraduate Passed 2014-11-25
Elections Code Amendment - Preferred Name on Ballot 23U022 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-06
Spring 2023 Elections Schedule and Apportionment 23U021 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-07
| 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 |

Page 28 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 541, ending on 560