Student Government Association



SGA Coffee Takeovers - Facutly Student Development Committee 20U051 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-01-20
Meet the Freshman Representatives at Tech Green! 25U036 Undergraduate Passed 2024-10-27
Wreck the Vote GT Voter Initiative Stickers 23U011 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-15
SGA Office Improvements 14U033 Undergraduate Passed 2014-02-25
SGA Week Funding 23U023 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-07
Representative Appointment 13U024 Undergraduate Tabled 2013-01-14
SGA Annual Apparel 14U009 Undergraduate Passed 2013-09-16
Resolution Expressing Concerns to Office of Admissions 18U043 Undergraduate Passed 2018-02-27
House Attendance Resolution 24U008 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-10-01
Appointment of UHR Representatives 14U008 Undergraduate Passed 2013-09-17
Resolution for Men's Basketball Team 17U018 Undergraduate Passed 2017-01-31
JFC Budget Hearings (Undergraduate) 15U016 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-11
SGA Padfolio Ordering (ULR) 14U010 Undergraduate Failed 2013-09-17
Appointment of an Undergraduate JFC Members 22U022 Undergraduate Passed 2021-11-02
Keep the 'T' in Tech 12U010 Undergraduate Passed 2011-09-27
Appointment of Justices to the UJC 12U023 Undergraduate Passed 2012-03-29
Fall 2023 VP Communications Appointment 24U016 Undergraduate Passed 2023-10-05
Fall Tech Beautification Day 23 - Catering Request Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2023-10-21
Award Funding 16U031 Undergraduate Passed 2016-03-29
Representative Appointment 13U025 Undergraduate Tabled 2013-01-20
| 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 |

Page 29 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 561, ending on 580