Student Government Association



Executive Vice-President Stipend Correction 12U007 Undergraduate Passed 2011-09-11
Extension of the Joint Emergency Executive Order - February 21J098 Joint Passed 2021-01-28
Extension of the Joint Emergency Executive Order - Winter 21J078 Joint Passed 2020-11-17
Fall 2020 Elections Schedule 21U002 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-07-14
Fall 2022 Elections Schedule 23U002 Undergraduate Passed 2022-08-23
Fall 2023 Elections Schedule 23U069 Undergraduate Passed 2023-04-17
Fall 2023 VP Communications Appointment 24U016 Undergraduate Passed 2023-10-05
Fall 2024 Cabinet Appointments 25U007 Undergraduate Passed 2024-08-26
Fall Tech Beautification Day 23 - Catering Request Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2023-10-21
FASET Partnership Opportunities 14U041 Undergraduate Passed 2014-04-01
Faset Tabling 15U030 Undergraduate Passed 2015-03-24
Federal Work Study Funding for Position 20J219 Joint Tabled 2020-01-12
Ferst Center Agreement Terms 14J049 Joint Passed 2013-09-23
Fight Song Referendum 21J129 Joint Agenda 2021-03-08
Fiscal Year 2013 Budget 12J167 Conference Passed 2012-03-12
Food for Budget Sessions 20U062 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-18
Food for Senate lunch and Budget meeting 14G012 Graduate Passed 2014-03-10
Forever I <3 GT Week 13J184 Joint Passed 2013-03-13
Formation of SOFO Accountant III 12J155 Joint Passed 2012-02-27
Frames (in Room 117) - Presidents' Portraits 13U028 Undergraduate Passed 2013-01-21
| 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |

Page 13 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 241, ending on 260