Student Government Association



Elections Code Changes 14U024 Undergraduate Passed 2014-01-12
Elections Code Revision-Section IX, for SGA restructure 17U019 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-05
Elections Code UHR Jurisdiction Bylaw Amendment 23U006 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-06
Elections Code Update 19U046 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-05
Elections Schedule 19U041 Undergraduate Passed 2019-02-26
Enactment of the Joint Governance Policy 21J092 Joint Agenda 2021-01-17
Encumberance of Funds from 20J039 20J101 Joint Passed 2019-10-01
Encumberance of Funds from 20J042C 20J113 Joint Passed 2019-10-06
Encumbrance of Funds from Bill 20J019 20J036 Joint Passed 2019-08-30
Engagement Events - Fall 2018 19U006 Undergraduate Passed 2018-09-04
Engagement Week Tabling Fair 20U008 Undergraduate Passed 2019-09-02
Establishing a Tributes Committee 22U025 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-11-16
Evitics (Event Analytics) RFID Readers 14J211 Joint Passed 2014-04-14
Executive Cabinet Fall ULR Budget 20U017 Undergraduate Passed 2019-10-08
Executive Order to appoint Advisor Samuel Babadele 23U012 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-25
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Andrew Berry 25U003 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-08-21
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Jeremy Leurart 25U002 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-08-21
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Julianna Velaj Undergraduate Authored 2023-05-15
Executive Order to Enable a Temporary SAF Allocation Process 23J008 Joint Agenda 2022-06-30
Executive Order to Enable a Temporary SAF Allocation Process Joint Authored 2022-08-16
| 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |

Page 12 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 221, ending on 240