Student Government Association



CDAC Night at the Center for Civil and Human Rights 17U024 Undergraduate Passed 2017-03-02
CDAC Pride Event Thursday Oct 8th 16U007 Undergraduate Passed 2015-10-04
CDAC Spring Diversity Conference Undergraduate Created
CDAC Spring Diversity Conference Undergraduate Created
CDAC Spring Diversity Conference 24U065 Undergraduate Passed 2024-03-26
Changes to Article 3, Section 4 of the bylaws 20U075 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
Clarify EVP Assumption of President Position Due to Vacancy 22G061 Graduate Failed 2022-04-13
Coffee and Donuts Day 15U008 Undergraduate Passed 2014-10-27
Collaborative Structures Roundtables 20U050 Undergraduate Passed 2020-01-15
Commemorating the Co-op Centennial 13J017 Joint Passed 2012-09-10
Commencement Celebration 13J195 Joint Passed 2013-03-15
Commendation for Dr. Gleb Yushin 22G046 Graduate Passed 2022-02-27
Commendation for helping OMS Students Receive Rep 22G026 Graduate Passed 2022-02-07
Commendation for Satellite Launch 22G030 Graduate Passed 2022-02-14
Committee to Review bills 22G059 Graduate Passed 2022-04-11
Community Relations Flyers 16U020 Undergraduate Passed 2016-02-04
Composting Resolution 19U021 Undergraduate Tabled 2018-12-07
Concert Ticket Raffle 22U051 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-04-12
Conflict of Interests and USG violations Graduate Tabled 2022-05-21
Constitutional Changes on the Topics of UHR Rep elections 20U074 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

Page 10 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 181, ending on 200