Student Government Association



***JAC*** SCPC Midnight Breakfast/Relaxation Fest Joint Awaiting Author 2024-11-08
AI@GT Summit Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2024-11-24
*CMDJAC* - Funding Request for Hammocks on Tech Green Joint Created
***JAC*** Positivity Pumpkin Patch Joint Awaiting Author 2020-10-15
SGA Week of Welcome materials 2021 Undergraduate Tabled 2021-08-11
*CMDJAC* - Funding Request for Piezoelectric Sidewalk Tiles Joint Awaiting Author 2024-12-03
***JAC*** ORGT Mindfulness Outdoors Joint Awaiting Author 2020-02-06
JFC Fast-Track Joint Created
***JAC*** Midnight Breakfast/Relaxation Fest Joint Authored 2023-11-15
***JAC*** Winter Wonderland Joint Authored 2023-11-15
***JAC*** SCPC Spring Speaker Joint Awaiting Author 2020-11-04
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Mrs. Marie Mons Undergraduate Created
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Dr. Archie W. Ervin Undergraduate Created
***JAC Request*** FullCircle LLC app funding Joint Created
***JAC Request*** FullCircle LLC app funding Joint Awaiting Author 2020-11-06
Undergrad SGA Table Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2020-11-10
New 2024 UJC Chief Justice - Harper Finch Undergraduate Created
Executive Order to Temporarily Limit Bill Allocations Joint Authored 2024-01-17
***JAC*** Fabric Design Club Mental Health Initiative Joint Awaiting Author 2022-08-18
Appointment of 2022 UJC Chief Justice - Isabel Knofczynski Undergraduate Authored 2021-12-12
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Page 4 of 26, showing 20 records out of 516 total, starting on record 61, ending on 80