Student Government Association



**JAC BILL*** LGBTQIA Student Resilience Training Extra Cost Joint Authored 2019-01-08
Resolution Awaiting Author
IfYou'reReadingThis Spring 2024 Request (MHJAC) Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2024-03-29
Food Budget for FreShGA Undergraduate Created
Appointment Committee Recusal Amendment Undergraduate Created
***JAC*** Conexus Program Joint Agenda 2023-09-05
***JAC***Funding for Hindu YUVA's Dusshera Fair Joint Awaiting Author 2024-09-30
***JAC Bill*** CAS Online Library for Effective Study Skills Joint Authored 2019-02-22
Resolution Expanding SGA-funded Activities to Excel Students Joint Tabled 2020-02-10
Fall 2021 Elections Schedule Undergraduate Agenda 2021-09-06
CRIDC GLR Support Graduate Created
Reallocating Funds from CO into PY Part III (FY24) Joint Awaiting Author 2024-01-24
Undergraduate Research Fair - WITHDRAWN Undergraduate Tabled 2017-04-04
Parking for NAGPS - WITHDRAWN 17G015 Graduate Tabled 2017-04-09
Resolution Affirming Solidarity with International Community 17J159 Joint Passed 2017-01-30
Graduates @ TopGolf Part 2 17J239 Joint Passed 2017-04-03
ADOPTION OF THE FY18 TIER II/III SAF BUDGET 17J252 Joint Passed 2017-04-09
Gift to Tech 17J254 Joint Failed 2017-04-10
Appointment of SGA Joint Vice Presidents 17J258 Joint Passed 2017-04-24
Updates to Joint Finance Committee (JFC) Policy - FY18 17J259 Joint Passed 2017-04-25
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

Page 6 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 101, ending on 120