Student Government Association



Resolution Supporting Minority Greek Councils 18U056 Undergraduate Passed 2018-04-17
Appointment of the Undergraduate Chief Justice 18U057 Undergraduate Passed 2018-04-17
SGA vs. RHA Football Game 18U058 Undergraduate Passed 2018-04-15
SGA AWS Usage for Jan-June 2019 19G185 Graduate Passed 2019-01-06
***JAC*** Intercollegiate Mental Health Conference 19J008 Joint Passed 2018-07-19
PCGB Allocation for Engagement Week 19J009 Joint Passed 2018-08-08
SGA’s “Revolutionaries” Lecture series bill 2018 19J100 Joint Passed 2018-10-16
***JAC REQUEST*** Nap Pods for Student Center 19J128 Joint Failed 2018-09-03
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Gagandeep Singh 19J173 Joint Passed 2018-12-04
Repeal of Spring Encumbrance Policy 19J190 Joint Passed 2019-01-15
Resolution on Stamps Psychiatry Appointment Fees 19J204 Joint Passed 2019-01-15
Resolution for Funding Buses 19J205 Joint Passed 2019-01-22
GT Day at Krog Street - Buses 19J210 Joint Passed 2019-01-18
GSGA Stipend Changes 19J219 Joint Passed 2019-02-04
SCPC Stipend Changes 19J220 Joint Passed 2019-02-04
Dining Resolution 19J249 Joint Passed 2019-02-18
***JAC*** Additional Embedded Counselors 19J279 Joint Agenda 2019-02-13
Resolution to Modify the Formula for the Enactment Ratio 19J324 Joint Agenda 2019-04-08
Undergraduate SGA Retreat Travel 19U001 Undergraduate Passed 2018-07-12
FreShGA Retreat 2018 19U002 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-17
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |

Page 9 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 161, ending on 180