Student Government Association



Onboarding process for new UHR members 23U033 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-28
UHR Mini-Bar Exam 23U031 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-29
SGA Bluetooth Speaker 23U030 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-28
UHR Tabling for SGA Week Tiffs Treats Cookies 23U028 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-15
BME Event 23U027 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-15
Resolution of Condolences – Pranav Koushik 23U026 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-15
Executive Branch Bylaws Reviews 23U025 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-15
Green Network Fall Meeting Catering 23U019 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-10-10
Cupcakes for Wreck the Vote 23U018 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-10-05
CRC and FreShGA 5k 23U017 Undergraduate Passed 2022-10-10
SGA Swings 23U016 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-10-08
GT Hawks Night 23U015 Undergraduate Passed 2022-10-04
Resolution of Condolences - Vikrant “Vik” Bathala 23U014 Undergraduate Passed 2022-10-03
Undergraduate Judiciary Cabinet Meetings Fund Request 23U013 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-09-27
Pizza at UHR Meeting 23U004 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-06
T-Shirt Funding for FreShGA 23U003 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-08-25
2022 Executive Cabinet Appointment 23U001 Undergraduate Passed 2022-08-28
FreShGA's The Final Stand 23J834 Joint Agenda 2023-03-08
Recognition of Quinn Foster 23J754 Joint Passed 2023-02-28
***JAC*** Bookmobile 23J629 Joint Agenda 2023-01-31
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |

Page 9 of 26, showing 20 records out of 516 total, starting on record 161, ending on 180