Student Government Association



***JAC Bill*** CAS Online Library for Effective Study Skills Joint Authored 2019-02-22
Giant Chess Set for Student Center Undergraduate Authored 2022-10-04
***JAC*** Art Therapy Workshops Joint Authored 2019-09-24
Meet the Junior Reps Social 24U034 Undergraduate Authored 2023-11-14
***JAC*** Ramadan Initiative Joint Authored 2024-03-18
***JAC*** Progress Pride Staircase Joint Authored 2021-04-20
***JAC*** RHA's Wellness Wednesday Joint Authored 2023-02-27
***JAC*** FreShGA's The Final Stand Joint Authored 2023-03-08
Sensory Based Stress Management Proposal - September 22 2023 Joint Authored 2023-09-22
***JAC*** Midnight Breakfast/Relaxation Fest Joint Authored 2023-11-15
***JAC*** Winter Wonderland Joint Authored 2023-11-15
Executive Order to Temporarily Limit Bill Allocations Joint Authored 2024-01-17
*** JAC *** FreShGA's The Final Stand Undergraduate Authored 2024-04-02
***JAC*** Funding for Passioknit's Knitting Workshop Joint Authored 2024-04-02
UFC Justice Requirements Amendment Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2017-04-17
Institute-Wide Trans/Intersex/Non-Binary Awareness Day Joint Awaiting Author 2017-09-19
**JAC*** Additional Koru Mindfulness Training Joint Awaiting Author 2019-01-15
***JAC REQUEST*** KORU Mindfullness Proposal Joint Awaiting Author 2018-04-26
***JAC*** ORGT Mindfulness Outdoors Joint Awaiting Author 2020-02-06
***JAC*** SCPC Fall Speaker Joint Awaiting Author 2020-09-16
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Page 6 of 23, showing 20 records out of 450 total, starting on record 101, ending on 120