Student Government Association



SGA Banquet Food Funding 2025 25U053 Undergraduate Agenda 2025-02-03
SGA Banquet Facility Funding 2025 25U054 Undergraduate Agenda 2025-02-03
Resolution Regarding On-Campus Student Worker Tax Exemption 25J022 Joint Agenda 2025-02-13
Attendance Amendment 25U064 Undergraduate Agenda 2025-03-03
March Sustainability Network 25U071 Undergraduate Agenda 2025-03-10
SGA Townhall Undergraduate Authored 2019-11-18
**JAC BILL*** LGBTQIA Student Resilience Training Joint Authored 2018-06-28
***JAC*** RRC Bookmobile Initiative Joint Authored 2020-09-10
**JAC BILL*** LGBTQIA Student Resilience Training Extra Cost Joint Authored 2019-01-08
Appointment of 2022 UJC Chief Justice - Isabel Knofczynski Undergraduate Authored 2021-12-12
Giant Chess Set for Student Center Undergraduate Authored 2022-10-04
***JAC Bill*** CAS Online Library for Effective Study Skills Joint Authored 2019-02-22
***JAC*** Art Therapy Workshops Joint Authored 2019-09-24
Meet the Junior Reps Social 24U034 Undergraduate Authored 2023-11-14
***JAC*** Ramadan Initiative Joint Authored 2024-03-18
***JAC*** Ramadan Initiative Joint Authored 2024-06-10
***JAC*** Progress Pride Staircase Joint Authored 2021-04-20
***JAC*** RHA's Wellness Wednesday Joint Authored 2023-02-27
***JAC*** FreShGA's The Final Stand Joint Authored 2023-03-08
Sensory Based Stress Management Proposal - September 22 2023 Joint Authored 2023-09-22
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

Page 6 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 101, ending on 120