Student Government Association



Resolution on Rescinding USG BOR Policy 4.3.4 (In-State) 20U022 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-27
The Final Stand (FreShGA) 20U030 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-28
Wargames Lazer Tag 23U054 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-03-13
Spring 2020 Elections Schedule 20U027 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-28
Resolution to Create "Pending Qualification" Status 20J178 Joint Agenda 2019-11-05
Resolution to Notify Students of External Campus Speakers 20U033 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-11-06
Joint Director of Sustainability 20J186 Joint Agenda 2019-11-11
Elections Code Changes Fall 2019 20U035 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-11-18
Article I Section 3 Subsection C Amendment 24U023 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-10-30
Standing Tree for Survivors: JAC Proposal 20J269 Joint Agenda 2020-01-15
Clock Funding Bill 20U052 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-01-21
Resolution to Divest from Fossil Fuel Companies 20U056 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-05
REVISED - Resolution to Divest from Fossil Fuel Companies 20J302 Joint Agenda 2020-02-12
Community Relations Krog Street Market Crawl Bus 20U058 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-12
*Summer ULR Allocation* | Zeta Week Event Funding 20U080 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-05-22
Blue Donkey Coffee Tab 24U071 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-04-16
"LERC" Joint Expansion 21J037 Joint Agenda 2020-09-08
IWC Undergraduate Appointments 21U008 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-09-08
Resolution on Polling Technology and Communication w/ Media 21U009 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-09-14
2020 Executive Committee Chair Appointments 21U012 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-09-29
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |

Page 2 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40