Student Government Association



Graduates @ TopGolf Part 2 17J239 Joint Passed 2017-04-03
SGA IT Board Field Day 22J088 Joint Agenda 2021-09-28
Government Relations Committee Meeting Joint Created
***JAC*** Ramadan Initiative Joint Awaiting Author 2024-03-15
Up With the White and Gold Awards Ceremony 21J124 Joint Agenda 2021-02-16
***JAC*** Ramadan Initiative Joint Authored 2024-03-18
ADOPTION OF THE FY18 TIER II/III SAF BUDGET 17J252 Joint Passed 2017-04-09
Additional Funding for 20J019 20J163 Joint Passed 2019-10-31
SGA Polo Shirts 21J123 Joint Agenda 2021-02-25
Extension of Executive Order On Financial Allocation - March 21J115 Joint Agenda 2021-02-23
**JAC BILL*** LGBTQIA Student Resilience Training Extra Cost Joint Authored 2019-01-08
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Minh “Harry” N Hoan 20J171 Joint Passed 2019-11-05
Resolution to Create "Pending Qualification" Status 20J178 Joint Agenda 2019-11-05
[SAF Policy - JSAF] Amended SAF Policy 24J017 Joint Agenda 2024-04-01
[SAF Policy - JSAF] SAF Policy Addendum: Allowable Cost List 24J018 Joint Passed 2024-04-01
Graduate Resolution for Bylaw Amendments 22G018 Graduate Tabled 2022-01-24
Georgia Tech SGA Senate Compliance with Open Meetings Act 23G006 Graduate Agenda 2023-01-13
Georgia Tech SGA Senate Elections Fairness Act 23G007 Graduate Passed 2023-01-13
Georgia Tech SGA Senate Spring Elections 23G009 Graduate Agenda 2023-01-13
Promoting Recycling Near Biomedical Building 23G021 Graduate Passed 2023-02-23
| 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |

Page 27 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 521, ending on 540