Student Government Association



***JAC REQUEST*** Student Financial Education Curriculum 18J275 Joint Passed 2018-04-11
JCOC Policy Updates Spring 2018 18J270 Joint Passed 2018-04-12
Reallocating Funds from CO into PY Part II (FY24) 24J008 Joint Passed 2024-01-16
ADOPTION OF THE FY19 TIER II/III SAF BUDGET 18J272 Joint Passed 2018-04-16
Executive Order to Temporarily Limit Bill Allocations Joint Authored 2024-01-17
***JAC*** Fabric Design Club Mental Health Initiative Joint Awaiting Author 2022-08-18
Resolution to Approve Joint Vice Presidents 18J274 Joint Tabled 2018-04-17
Reallocating Funds from CO into PY Part III (FY24) Joint Awaiting Author 2024-01-24
Joint Resolution to Reaffirm Commitment to Inclusion 18J273 Joint Passed 2018-04-17
The Giveaways Reform Act Joint Created
FY25 SAF Budget Cap Reduction 24J008 Joint Passed 2024-01-29
The Giveaways Reform Act 25J020 Joint Passed 2025-02-11
Resolution Regarding On-Campus Student Worker Tax Exemption 25J022 Joint Agenda 2025-02-13
***JAC REQUEST*** KORU Mindfullness Proposal Joint Awaiting Author 2018-04-26
Appointment of Simran Patel as JVP CO 25J025 Joint Passed 2025-02-28
*CMDJAC* - Funding Request for Benches at Grace House 25J023 Joint Passed 2025-02-28
MSFAC Resolution 25J024 Joint Passed 2025-03-03
Executive Order to Continue Temporary SAF Allocation Joint Created
**JAC BILL*** LGBTQIA Student Resilience Training Joint Authored 2018-06-28
Executive Order to Continue Temporary SAF Allocation 23J463 Joint Passed 2022-12-12
| 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |

Page 25 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 481, ending on 500