Student Government Association



ULR Federal Work Study Funding for Position 20U053 Undergraduate Tabled 2020-01-21
Undergrad SGA Table Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2020-11-10
Undergraduate Judicial Council Justice Approval 17U037 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-02
Undergraduate Judicial Council Justice Approval 17U038 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-02
Undergraduate Judiciary Cabinet Meetings Fund Request 23U013 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-09-27
Undergraduate Judiciary Committee Chief Justice 2023 23U036 Undergraduate Passed 2022-12-09
Undergraduate Legislative Bylaws Amendments - 2022 22U045 Undergraduate Passed 2022-03-15
Undergraduate Research Fair - WITHDRAWN Undergraduate Tabled 2017-04-04
Undergraduate Resolution for Ramblin' Reps 19U017 Undergraduate Passed 2018-11-27
Undergraduate SGA Bylaws Article VIII Amendment 24U003 Undergraduate Passed 2023-09-18
Undergraduate SGA Retreat Travel 19U001 Undergraduate Passed 2018-07-12
Undergraduate SGA Retreat Venue (Deposit) Joint Awaiting Author 2021-07-19
Up With the White and Gold Awards Ceremony 21J124 Joint Agenda 2021-02-16
Updates to Joint Finance Committee (JFC) Policy - FY18 17J259 Joint Passed 2017-04-25
URGE Forum Partnership 25U032 Undergraduate Passed 2024-10-19
USGA Article VIII Bylaws Amendment 23U044 Undergraduate Failed 2023-02-13
USGA Bylaws Updates 18U035 Undergraduate Tabled 2018-02-01
USGA Bylaws Updates - Spring 2017 17U039 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-07
UWWG Plaques and Awards 23U055 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-14
Voter Education Workshop with CEE Organizations 25U006 Undergraduate Passed 2024-08-26
| 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |

Page 27 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 521, ending on 540