Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



GSGA Transition Banquet 24G034 Graduate Passed 2024-04-01
GSGA VP Academic & Res. Nominee: Spenser Wipperfurth Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Campus Services Nomination - Kiera Tran Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Government Affairs Nomination - Haden Boone Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Grad Communications Nominee - Anusha Srinivasa Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Grad. Conference Funds Nominee: Evan Gotchel Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Graduate Events Nomination - Ines Saih 23G003 Graduate Agenda 2022-09-08
GSGA VP Professional Dev. Nomination - Christian Coletti Graduate Authored 2022-09-08
GSGA VP Student Life Nomination - Devin O'Neal Graduate Authored 2022-09-11
GSGA VP Student Life Nominee Mikayla Alves 23G011 Graduate Passed 2023-02-01
GSS Appointment to Mental Health Joint Allocation Committee 18G009 Graduate Passed 2017-11-07
GSS Asynchronous Status Designation Amendment 24G020 Graduate Passed 2023-11-02
GSS Authorization of Mandatory Student Fee Referendum Graduate Awaiting Author 2024-10-25
GSS Budget Food Bill 16G017 Graduate Passed 2016-03-14
GSS Budget Meeting Food 15G010 Graduate Tabled 2015-03-04
GSS Budget Session 18G021 Graduate Tabled 2018-04-03
GSS Budget Session Food and Beverage 20G014 Graduate Awaiting Author 2020-02-18
GSS Budget Sessions 19G024 Graduate Passed 2019-02-06
GSS Bylaws Update - SOFO Representative 15G009 Graduate Passed 2015-01-26
GSS Election Timeline & Apportionment Amendment Graduate Created
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Page 8 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 141, ending on 160