Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Amendment to 21G002 21G013 Graduate Passed 2020-09-08
GSS Luncheon 15G005 Graduate Passed 2014-11-14
GSGA VP Student Life Nomination - Devin O'Neal Graduate Authored 2022-09-11
Nomination of Christian Duetemeyer for At-Large Senator 24G008 Graduate Passed 2023-09-08
GSGA Senate Elections Constitutional Amendment 25G002 Graduate Tabled 2024-10-03
Nomination of International Student Affairs Committee Chair 24G009 Graduate Passed 2023-09-08
Nomination of Anusha Srinivasa for VP Conference Funds 24G012 Graduate Passed 2023-09-14
Nomination of VP Professional Development 24G011 Graduate Passed 2023-09-14
Amendment to GSS Bylaws: Quorum Resolution 16G006 Graduate Passed 2015-09-15
Nomination of Madison Manley for VP Graduate Communications 24G010 Graduate Passed 2023-09-14
SGA Holiday Party Funding 13G007 Graduate Passed 2012-11-27
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Chief Justice 22G002 Graduate Passed 2021-07-08
New Senate Attendance Policy 17G007 Graduate Passed 2017-01-23
Resolution to Appoint New Graduate Justices 22G001 Graduate Passed 2021-07-08
Appointment of Two Graduate Student Senators, Spring 2016 16G016 Graduate Passed 2016-03-12
Resolution on Recent Campus Unrest 18G003 Graduate Passed 2017-09-26
GSS Budget Food Bill 16G017 Graduate Passed 2016-03-14
Resolution in Support of the Minimester Initiative Graduate Created
Resolution Supporting the Minimester Initiative 18G019 Graduate Passed 2018-02-27
Nomination of Cadence Martin for At-Large Senator 24G014 Graduate Passed 2023-09-29
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Page 8 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 141, ending on 160