Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Interim Honorarium and Speaker Funding Policy 16G005 Graduate Passed 2015-09-08
International Student Financial Relief Act 23G022 Graduate Passed 2023-02-22
Invitation of Students to Open Institute Committee Meetings Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Jacketpages Redesign 2018 (Graduate Portion) 18G022 Graduate Passed 2018-04-16
Joint Resolution Recognizing Support for Student Interests 18J176 Joint Tabled 2018-01-30
Mental Health Portal Focus Groups Funding (GLR) 13G013 Graduate Tabled 2013-04-03
NAGPS Registration Support 18G024 Graduate Passed 2018-04-17
Name Badges and Business Cards for Exec 21G014 Graduate Passed 2020-10-01
New Senate Attendance Policy 17G007 Graduate Passed 2017-01-23
Nomination of Abel Sapirstein to GJC 24G017 Graduate Passed 2023-10-24
Nomination of Alina Gorbunova as GSGA VP of Prof. Dev. 25G007 Graduate Passed 2024-08-26
Nomination of Amaya McNealy as GSGA VP Student Life 25G008 Graduate Passed 2024-08-26
Nomination of Amitej Venapally as GSGA VP ARA Graduate Created
Nomination of Amitej Venapally as GSGA VP ARA 25G005 Graduate Passed 2024-08-26
Nomination of Anusha Srinivasa for VP Conference Funds 24G012 Graduate Passed 2023-09-14
Nomination of Aravind Karthik Muralidharan as Senator 23G028 Graduate Passed 2022-11-14
Nomination of Audheya Mannepalli as Senator, IAC 23G010 Graduate Passed 2023-01-12
Nomination of Cadence Martin for At-Large Senator 24G014 Graduate Passed 2023-09-29
Nomination of Charles Irons for GJC Chief Justice 23G026 Graduate Passed 2023-03-09
Nomination of Christian Coletti for GSGA Chief of Staff 23G025 Graduate Passed 2022-11-18
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Page 10 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 181, ending on 200