Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



GSS Election Timeline & Apportionment Amendment Graduate Created
On the Recognition of Exemplary and Groundbreaking Research 22G013 Graduate Awaiting Author
Recognizing the Incredible Accomplishments of Youngrak Park 22G014 Graduate Authored
Paper for Senate Name Tags Graduate Created
Nominations for GSGA Elections Committee Graduate Created
Appointment of Graduate Executive Cabinet 12G001 Graduate Passed 2011-08-26
GTRIC Technique Ad 12G002 Graduate Tabled 2011-09-01
Graduate Resolution Expressing Thanks 12G003 Graduate Passed 2011-09-11
Appointment of Graduate At-Large Senators 12G004 Graduate Passed 2011-09-11
Appointment of Graduate Senator 12G006 Graduate Passed 2011-10-03
Appointment of Graduate Senator - David MacNair 12G007 Graduate Passed 2011-12-29
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Jeffrey Fisher 12G008 Graduate Passed 2012-01-09
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Biao Chang 12G009 Graduate Passed 2012-01-22
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Maryam Doroudi 12G010 Graduate Passed 2012-01-29
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Ivan Walker 12G011 Graduate Passed 2012-02-01
GTRIC 12G012 Graduate Passed 2012-02-07
GTRIC Judges Thank-You Ad 12G013 Graduate Passed 2012-02-13
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Patricia Andre 12G014 Graduate Passed 2012-02-13
Graduate Conference Fund 12J182 Joint Passed 2012-03-12
Allocation to GSS Budget Meeting 12G015 Graduate Passed 2012-03-25
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Page 2 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40