Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



***JAC*** Funding Request for GradChats Joint Authored 2019-09-12
GSGA VP Student Life Nomination - Devin O'Neal Graduate Authored 2022-09-11
Resolution in Support of the Minimester Initiative Graduate Created
Graduate SGA Fall Picnic Food Joint Created
Amending the Oath of Office Graduate Created
Clerical Amendments to Conference Fund Bylaws Graduate Awaiting Author 2024-11-14
GSGA Asynchronous Designation Amendment Graduate Created
Appointment of Graduate Chief Justice Graduate Authored 2019-09-30
Spring Picnic Graduate Created
Establishment of the VP of Mental Health & Well-Being Graduate Created
Nomination of Rahul Deshpande for VP of Campus Services Graduate Created
dsfdas Graduate Created
GSS Election Timeline & Apportionment Amendment Graduate Created
Increasing Student Involvement in Governmental Leadership Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Committee to Select JFC for 2022-2023 School Year Joint Awaiting Author 2022-08-07
Committee to Select GSGA Executive Committee VPs for 2022-23 Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Paper for Senate Name Tags Graduate Created
Nominations for GSGA Elections Committee Graduate Created
***JAC BILL*** AAPI Heritage Month Joint Authored 2021-03-12
Resolution to Resolve Issues Related to New Housing Policy Graduate Tabled 2024-09-12
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Page 2 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40