Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Updates to Graduate SGA Elections Code 17G024 Graduate Passed 2017-04-24
Illuminate Tech- Student speaker series 20G020 Graduate Agenda 2020-04-06
GSGA End of Year Banquet 15G012 Graduate Passed 2015-04-10
GSGA Sponsor appreciation 20G019 Graduate Agenda 2020-04-06
Appointment of Graduate Justice 17G005 Graduate Tabled 2016-11-02
Resolution Commemorating Excellent Service-Ms. Leisa Johnson 22G019 Graduate Passed 2022-01-26
Graduate Student Senate Social 18G012 Graduate Passed 2018-01-23
Appointment of Graduate Chief Justice 16G014 Graduate Passed 2016-02-01
Resolution Appointing Senators for Open Seats 19G019 Graduate Passed 2019-01-20
GSGA Polo Shirts 21G020 Graduate Passed 2021-03-15
Grad SGA Banquet Funding 13G014 Graduate Tabled 2013-04-08
Appointment of Graduate Justices 18G013 Graduate Passed 2018-01-23
GTRIC 12G012 Graduate Passed 2012-02-07
Graduate Survey: Incentives 16G015 Graduate Passed 2016-02-02
Resolution regarding the update of GSGA constitution Graduate Authored 2020-04-21
Resolution regarding the update of GSGA bylaws Graduate Authored 2020-04-21
Procedural Motion to Create an Ad-Hoc Committee to Review th Graduate Created
Procedural Motion to Create an Ad-Hoc Committee to Review th 20G021 Graduate Passed 2020-04-21
Resolution of Intent to Host an Int'l Food Sampling Tour 22G020 Graduate Passed 2022-02-14
Attendance and Membership Termination Policy 19G008 Graduate Passed 2018-09-12
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Page 2 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40