SGA Records

Amanda Schaefer Undergraduate Chemical and Biomolecular Representative
AJ Joshi Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
Ananya Shetty Undergraduate Speaker-pro-tempore
Aislinn Ayres Undergraduate Industrial Design Representative
Abhinav Jha Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Representative
Alex McAuliffe Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Representative
Andre Evans Undergraduate Industrial & Systems Engineering Representative
Aditya Prabhakar Undergraduate Parliamentarian
Apollo Liu Undergraduate Economics Representative
Abraham Werner Undergraduate UHR Secretary
Abbas Rehmani Undergraduate Junior Class
Alice Drake Undergraduate Architecture Representative
Alex Berry Undergraduate Junior Class Representative
Aniruddha Gupta Undergraduate Sophomore Class
Anish Punati Undergraduate Sophmore Representative
Amanda Ehrenhalt Undergraduate Athletes
Andrew Isaac Leland Block Undergraduate Speaker of the House
Amanda Mordi Undergraduate International Students
Adaora Njoku Undergraduate International Students
Alexander Crellin Undergraduate School of Music Representative
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Page 3 of 8, showing 20 records out of 159 total, starting on record 41, ending on 60