SGA Records

Anna Crouch Undergraduate PTFE Representative
Amelia Mia Wrightson Undergraduate Psychology Representative
Alex Walker Undergraduate Senior Representative
Atharva Deshmukh Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Representative
Amitej Venapally Undergraduate Chemistry & Biochemistry Representative
Alex Bandes Undergraduate Junior Class Representative
Alexander Letov Undergraduate Freshman Class Representative
Andrew Berry Undergraduate Economics Representative
Aanjan Sikal Undergraduate
Arneeb Panwala Undergraduate College of Business Representative
Andrew Shumway Undergraduate Physics Representative
Atharva Deshmukh Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Representative
Amit Khanduri Undergraduate
Amanda Reynolds Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
Avril Adams Undergraduate Materials Science Engineering Representative
Anna Gardner Undergraduate Sophomore Class Representative
Andrew Frazelle Undergraduate ISYE Representative
Abbas Rehmani Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Representative
Abbas Rehmani Undergraduate Junior Class Representative
Alan Pryor Undergraduate Physics Representative
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Page 2 of 8, showing 20 records out of 159 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40