Student Government Association



Request for Travel Funding Allocation for Conference 18J262 Joint Tabled 2018-04-02
***JAC REQUEST*** The PS40 Swing Set 18J271 Joint Tabled 2018-04-04
***JAC REQUEST*** Biofeedback Initiatives for GT Counseling 18J267 Joint Passed 2018-04-05
SGA Banquet 18U053 Undergraduate Passed 2018-04-09
JFC Policy Changes Spring 2018 18J266 Joint Passed 2018-04-09
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Governor Zell Miller 18J265 Joint Passed 2018-04-10
JFC Policy Updates August 2018 19J018 Joint Tabled 2018-08-27
JCOC Policy Updates August 2018 19J017 Joint Passed 2018-08-27
UHR Legislative Tools 19U003 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-28
Bylaws Update Fall 2018 19U004 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-28
Appointment of Undergraduate Cabinet 19U005 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-28
Appointment of Joint Undergraduate Cabinet Members 19J019 Joint Passed 2018-08-28
***JAC REQUEST*** GTCC Weighted Blanket Project Joint Awaiting Author 2018-08-30
***JAC REQUEST*** GT Counseling Center Assessment Program Joint Awaiting Author 2018-08-30
Resolution on Background Check Subsidies 19J027 Joint Passed 2018-08-31
Engagement Events - Fall 2018 19U006 Undergraduate Passed 2018-09-04
Wreck the Vote Funding 19U007 Undergraduate Passed 2018-09-07
Resolution on Tier Assignments 19J034 Joint Passed 2018-09-08
*Executive Order* Student Organization Food Ad Hoc Committee 19U010 Undergraduate Passed 2018-09-18
*Executive Order* Arts Ad Hoc Committee 19U009 Undergraduate Passed 2018-09-18
| 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |

Page 24 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 461, ending on 480