Student Government Association



I <3 GT Week Additional Funding - WITHDRAWN 17U025 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-03-03
CDAC Night at the Center for Civil and Human Rights 17U024 Undergraduate Passed 2017-03-02
Resolution Affirming Solidarity with Transgender Community 17J203 Joint Passed 2017-02-28
USGA Spread in the Blueprint 17U022 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-26
USGA Bylaws Update 17U021 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-06
Appointment of the Joint VP of Information Technology 17J185 Joint Passed 2017-02-06
Elections Code Revision-Section IX, for SGA restructure 17U019 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-05
Resolution for Men's Basketball Team 17U018 Undergraduate Passed 2017-01-31
Resolution Regarding Rule Additions for UHR Procedure 17U017 Undergraduate Passed 2017-01-17
Appointment of the Undergraduate Executive Cabinet 17U015 Undergraduate Passed 2017-01-16
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Alexander Prinzi 17J123 Joint Passed 2017-01-08
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Neil Prasad 17J115 Joint Passed 2016-12-12
Holiday Lights on Tech Green and Skiles 17J114 Joint Passed 2016-12-05
Resolution on Free Form CIOS Comments to Deans/School Chairs 17J113 Joint Passed 2016-11-28
Resolution to Release CIOS Metrics to the Student Body 17J112 Joint Passed 2016-11-28
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Adam Sattler 17J109 Joint Passed 2016-11-22
Resolution Reaffirming the Good Word 17J099 Joint Passed 2016-11-22
Resolution to Reassign Invention Studio to Tier II 17J108 Joint Passed 2016-11-21
Resolution to Recommend FY18 SAF Fee Breakdown 17J107 Joint Passed 2016-11-21
Resolution to Create Adhoc Committee - SGA Restructuring 17U014 Undergraduate Passed 2016-11-21
| 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |

Page 22 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 421, ending on 440