Student Government Association



Inclusive Leadership Conference 18U038 Undergraduate Tabled 2018-02-20
Resolution Regarding UHR Application Extension 18U039 Undergraduate Passed 2018-02-20
Transfer of Funds from CO to PY 18J215 Joint Passed 2018-02-19
Resolution creating Community & Constituent Engagement Award 18U037 Undergraduate Passed 2018-02-13
Resolution Regarding PCGB FY18 Budget 18J188 Joint Passed 2018-02-05
Homecoming Concert Attendance Funding Formula 18J187 Joint Tabled 2018-02-04
Spring 2018 Elections Code 18U036 Undergraduate Passed 2018-02-03
Mental Health JAC updates 18J185 Joint Tabled 2018-02-02
GT Night at the Fox 18J175 Joint Tabled 2018-01-28
Joint Resolution Supporting Action Against Sexual Violence 18J174 Joint Passed 2018-01-27
JFC Request for Budget Review 18U032 Undergraduate Passed 2018-01-27
Thank-a-Teacher Day 18U031 Undergraduate Passed 2018-01-23
Graduate Judiciary Constitution Update 18G014 Graduate Tabled 2018-01-23
Research Institute Day at the Capitol 18U030 Undergraduate Passed 2018-01-21
Research Institute Day at the Capitol 18G011 Graduate Tabled 2018-01-21
GT FLOcial at Tech Rec 18J147 Undergraduate Passed 2018-01-05
Undergraduate Executive Cabinet Appointments 18U027 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-11-28
Reaffirm The Good Word 18U029 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-28
Light the Night with the Gold and White 18J137 Joint Passed 2017-11-27
CDAC Cultural Org E-Board Social 18U028 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-27
| 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |

Page 19 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 361, ending on 380