Student Government Association



Resolution to Reassign Invention Studio to Tier II 17J108 Joint Passed 2016-11-21
Resolution to Recommend FY18 SAF Fee Breakdown 17J107 Joint Passed 2016-11-21
Resolution Reaffirming the Good Word 17J099 Joint Passed 2016-11-22
Hammock Garden 17J094 Joint Passed 2016-11-13
Salary/Fringe Increase for Staff 17J091 Joint Passed 2016-11-05
Joint Campus Organization Committee Policy Updates 17J074 Joint Passed 2016-10-24
Resolution Expressing Condolences: William Rountree 17J070 Joint Passed 2016-10-16
Updates to Joint Finance Committee (JFC) Policy - FY17 17J056C Joint Passed 2016-10-02
Campus MovieFest 2016 17J026 Joint Passed 2016-09-11
Appointment of the Joint Vice Presidents 17J004 Joint Passed 2016-08-30
NAGPS Southeastern Regional Conference 17G011 Graduate Passed 2017-03-06
Home for the Holidays Gift 17G003 Graduate Passed 2016-10-31
Registration for FASET Tabling 16U034 Undergraduate Passed 2016-04-02
USGA Bylaws Update 16U033 Undergraduate Passed 2016-04-03
SGA Banquet 2016 16U032 Undergraduate Passed 2016-04-04
Award Funding 16U031 Undergraduate Passed 2016-03-29
RHA-SGA Football Tournament 16U029 Undergraduate Passed 2016-03-06
GT Day at the Beltline 16U028 Undergraduate Passed 2016-03-07
Printing Costs for Poster in Support of President Peterson 16U027 Undergraduate Passed 2016-03-07
SGA Tech Together Inclusivity Conference 2016 16U026 Undergraduate Passed 2016-03-04
| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |

Page 20 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 381, ending on 400