Student Government Association



Undergraduate Judicial Cabinet Justice Approval 18U020 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-22
Undergraduate Judicial Cabinet Justice Approval 18U019 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-22
Undergraduate Judicial Cabinet Justice Approval 18U018 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-22
Undergraduate Judicial Cabinet Justice Approval 18U017 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-22
Undergraduate Judicial Cabinet Justice Approval 18U016 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-22
Undergraduate Judicial Cabinet Justice Approval 18U015 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-22
Student Holiday Party 18U014 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-20
Home for the Holidays Thank You Note Stationary 18U013 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-12
Presidential Appointments to Mental Health JAC 18U012 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-14
FreShGA The Final Stand 2017 18U011 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-13
Appointment of the Undergraduate Executive Cabinet 18U001 Undergraduate Passed 2017-08-29
***JAC REQUEST*** The PS40 Swing Set 18J271 Joint Tabled 2018-04-04
***JAC REQUEST*** Biofeedback Initiatives for GT Counseling 18J267 Joint Passed 2018-04-05
JFC Policy Changes Spring 2018 18J266 Joint Passed 2018-04-09
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Governor Zell Miller 18J265 Joint Passed 2018-04-10
Request for Travel Funding Allocation for Conference 18J262 Joint Tabled 2018-04-02
GT Day at the Beltline 18J249 Joint Passed 2018-03-11
Homecoming Concert Budget Funding Formula 18J248 Joint Passed 2018-03-12
***JAC REQUEST*** Protocall for Counseling Center 18J224 Joint Passed 2018-02-27
Mental Health JAC appeals 18J220 Joint Passed 2018-02-23
| 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |

Page 16 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 301, ending on 320