Student Government Association



Housing committee Off-Campus housing fair tabling 25U067 Undergraduate Passed 2025-03-03
I <3 GT Week 12U022 Undergraduate Passed 2012-03-12
I <3 GT Week (Reimbursement) Undergraduate Authored 2019-04-23
I <3 GT Week 2018 18U049 Undergraduate Passed 2018-03-13
I <3 GT Week 2019 19U051 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-26
I <3 GT Week 2020 20U067 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-03-07
I <3 GT Week Additional Funding - WITHDRAWN 17U025 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-03-03
Inclusive Leadership Conference 18U038 Undergraduate Tabled 2018-02-20
Inclusive Leadership Conference Budget Joint Awaiting Author 2020-03-06
Institute-Wide Committee Appointments 12J006 Joint Passed 2011-08-30
Institute-Wide Committee Appointments 13J046 Joint Passed 2012-10-01
Internal Tools Test Joint Created
Introduction of the RUALS Policy 20U038 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-01-13
JAC REQUEST: National Hazing Prevention Conference Joint Authored 2023-03-14
JacketPages Assistant Stipend 13J215 Joint Passed 2013-04-08
JacketPages Development 14J102 Joint Passed 2013-11-14
Jacketpages Open House 12J058 Joint Passed 2011-10-18
Java Joy coffee cart 23U057 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-15
JCOC Policy Changes - End-of-Year Spring '20 20J359 Joint Agenda 2020-04-05
JCOC Policy Changes - Spring 2020 20J216 Joint Passed 2020-01-12
| 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |

Page 18 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 341, ending on 360