Student Government Association



Purchase RFID Readers for Evitics 15J007 Joint Passed 2014-08-29
FY20 JFC Policy Updates 19J326 Joint Agenda 2019-04-08
Light the Night with the Gold and White 18J137 Joint Passed 2017-11-27
Atlanta Student Government Coffee and Bagels Event Joint Agenda 2020-02-26
***JAC*** Funding Request for GradChats Joint Awaiting Author 2021-02-08
SGA Videographer Stipend 15J013 Joint Passed 2014-09-02
***JAC*** SCPC Spring Speaker Joint Awaiting Author 2021-02-08
***JAC Bill*** The Culture of Respect Collective Joint Authored 2019-04-09
***JAC BILL*** Sexual Violence for Men Prevention Program Joint Authored 2019-04-09
Resolution to Adopt New Stipend Review Process 15J173 Joint Tabled 2015-03-22
Forever I <3 GT Week 13J184 Joint Passed 2013-03-13
Salary/Fringe Increases for SGA-Funded Personnel 16J133 Joint Passed 2016-01-19
JFC Policy Changes 15J012 Joint Passed 2014-09-08
Adoption of the FY20 Tier II/III SAF Budget 19J341 Joint Passed 2019-04-16
A Resolution to Offer More Quiet Reflection Spaces on Campus Joint Awaiting Author 2020-03-03
JFC Budget Hearing Meeting Meals 12J109 Joint Passed 2012-01-22
Commencement Celebration 13J195 Joint Passed 2013-03-15
Recruitment Stipend for Orgs Joint Created
Stealing of T's 13J044 Joint Passed 2012-09-25
JFC Policy Updates August 2018 19J018 Joint Tabled 2018-08-27
| 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |

Page 18 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 341, ending on 360