Student Government Association



Why Am I Here 15U012 Undergraduate Passed 2014-11-16
Allocation of Stipends for GSGA VP Comm. & UGSGA Dir. of IA 15J093 Joint Passed 2015-01-05
JFC Budget Hearings (Undergraduate) 15U016 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-11
Appointment of Joint Executive Members 16J007 Joint Passed 2015-08-22
Appointment of Undergraduate VP of Campus Services 16U006 Undergraduate Passed 2015-08-31
Updates to Joint Finance Committee (JFC) Policy 16J040 Joint Passed 2015-09-14
New Clickers for UHR 16U008 Undergraduate Passed 2015-10-04
JFC Budget Hearings (Graduate) 15G006 Graduate Passed 2015-01-11
Allocation to SGA: Sustainability Committee Greenovation 15U018 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-25
A Resolution to Encourage Camaraderie Between SGA & RHA 15U022 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-26
Updated Elections Code 15U024 Undergraduate Passed 2015-02-01
Undergraduate Representative Expectations 16U011 Undergraduate Passed 2015-10-15
Joint Campus Organization Policy Changes 16J098 Joint Passed 2015-10-18
Thanking Our Essential Personnel 16U013 Undergraduate Passed 2015-10-25
2016 Elections Code 16U017 Undergraduate Passed 2015-11-07
Resolution Addressing Sports Club Audit 15J143 Joint Passed 2015-02-03
Budget Procedure for Raise Pools 15J140 Joint Passed 2015-02-20
Resolution to Re-Encumber Funds - SGA Week T-Shirts 16U016 Undergraduate Passed 2015-11-08
GT Day at the Capitol Transportation 16U018 Undergraduate Passed 2016-01-13
UHR Name Tags 16U019 Undergraduate Passed 2016-01-22
| 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

Page 15 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 281, ending on 300