Student Government Association



Bylaw Amendment: SGA Mission and Vision Statement 15G001 Graduate Passed 2014-09-11
GT Night at the Woodruff 15J016 Joint Passed 2014-09-14
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Siddhartha Kahali 15J124 Joint Passed 2015-02-09
SGA Ad in Blueprint 15U026 Undergraduate Passed 2015-02-23
GLR Funding for Graduate LaTeX Training 15G003 Graduate Passed 2014-09-15
SGA Incentives Program 15U006 Undergraduate Passed 2014-10-05
Faset Tabling 15U030 Undergraduate Passed 2015-03-24
SGA/RHA Football Game - Medical Attendant 15U032 Undergraduate Passed 2015-03-28
Campus MovieFest 2015 15J065 Joint Passed 2014-10-21
2014 Buzzinga! Competition 15J064 Joint Passed 2014-10-26
Coffee and Donuts Day 15U008 Undergraduate Passed 2014-10-27
SGA Annual Campus Safety Walk- Planning & Development Comm. 15U009 Undergraduate Passed 2014-11-03
Joint Resolution for Men’s Lacrosse Financial Review AdHoc 15J076 Joint Passed 2014-11-10
Resolution Reaffirming the Good Word 15J080 Joint Passed 2014-11-11
Campus Lantern Walk 15U011 Undergraduate Passed 2014-11-16
Organizational Bins 15U034 Undergraduate Passed 2015-04-04
Accept UHR FY2016 Budget Version 15U037 Undergraduate Passed 2015-04-09
Accept and Adopt Conference Committee Budget FY2016 15J204 Joint Passed 2015-04-13
Resolution to Adopt UHR SGA Bylaw Changes 16U002 Undergraduate Passed 2015-04-14
FreShGA Fall Event - One Night Stand 15U013 Undergraduate Passed 2014-11-16
| 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |

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