Student Government Association



JPRC Undergraduate Bylaws Review Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2020-09-29
Representative Appointment 13U027 Undergraduate Tabled 2013-01-24
Budget Conference Committee 12U026 Undergraduate Passed 2012-04-09
ACC Lobbying Trip 14U038 Undergraduate Passed 2014-03-10
Amending USGA Constitution 19U042 Undergraduate Tabled 2019-02-26
Spring 2022 VPEA Appointment 22U021 Undergraduate Passed 2021-11-08
CDAC Pride Event Thursday Oct 8th 16U007 Undergraduate Passed 2015-10-04
1st Annual SGA Alumni Tailgate 18U048 Undergraduate Passed 2018-03-12
Bylaws Changes 2019 Undergraduate Authored 2019-02-26
FreShGA and Cabinet Bonding 20U054 Undergraduate Passed 2020-01-29
A Resolution Wishing a Speedy Recovery 12U027 Undergraduate Passed 2012-04-10
New Clickers for UHR 16U008 Undergraduate Passed 2015-10-04
Campus Safety Walk - Campus Infrastructure Committee 16U009 Undergraduate Passed 2015-10-04
Resolution Regarding Campus Sustainability 18U046 Undergraduate Passed 2018-03-12
Resolution on the Creation of Campus Organization Committees Undergraduate Authored 2019-02-28
Allocation to SGA: Sustainability Committee Greenovation 15U018 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-25
SGA Week Materials 19U012 Undergraduate Passed 2018-10-23
SGA Office Candy 25U043 Undergraduate Passed 2024-11-18
Allocation to Vitalis Colony of Alpha Rho Chi Frate 14U032 Undergraduate Failed 2014-03-18
Ramblin' Reps Buttons 18U045 Undergraduate Passed 2018-03-13
| 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |

Page 12 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 221, ending on 240